Reader Questions

Reader question: Is a falling share price a negative indicator?

I was chatting to a reader about share prices and was asked whether I consider a falling share price to be a negative indicator. Surely, if the market is a combination of hundreds of individual investors expressing their opinions then a falling price indicates that more people have found a reason to sell than to

Reader question: Is a falling share price a negative indicator? Read More »

Reader Question; “Investing is nothing more than gambling. Why do you waste your time with it?”

A few days ago it was put to me that investing requires little skill and is essentially no different to gambling. If that’s the case, then why do I bother investing in equities (which takes up quite a lot of my time to research and manage), rather than just buying hundreds of pounds worth of

Reader Question; “Investing is nothing more than gambling. Why do you waste your time with it?” Read More »

Reader Question: Should I consider investing in fine wine?

A friend of mine was recently contacted by a fine wine salesman. The pitch was fairly straight forward. In addition to buying wine to drink, individuals can also create investment portfolio of fine vintages. Wine is a finite product for which demand is currently outstripping supply. The great chateaus of the world only produce so many

Reader Question: Should I consider investing in fine wine? Read More »

Reader Question: How much of my assets should I keep in cash?

In addition to monthly and quarterly financial reviews, once a year, I take the opportunity to conduct an annual ‘super report’ on my finances, covering everything from account balances to performance against benchmarks and my financial forecasts to setting my strategy for the next twelve months. As part of this exercise, I measure a number

Reader Question: How much of my assets should I keep in cash? Read More »

Reader Question: Are my dividends sufficiently diversified?

I received an email from a reader last week, asking about shares and the reader’s concerns about the growing risk of a share market collapse due to record high stock market valuations. This reader had primarily invested in dividend focussed funds and investment trusts, rather than individual shares, thinking that these provide sufficient diversification to

Reader Question: Are my dividends sufficiently diversified? Read More »

Reader Question: What’s the secret to making ‘great’ investments?

Last week, I was speaking to a colleague about investing and why he’s not riding a Rolls-Royce when he spends so much time saving and investing. Once I’d stopped laughing at the idea of driving a Rolls (although I think they’re classy vehicles, I think they’re a horrendous misuse of capital!), I asked him what

Reader Question: What’s the secret to making ‘great’ investments? Read More »

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