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Since 2015, I’ve carefully curated insights into the art of investing, rooted in tradition and discipline. My approach reflects a philosophy honed over years, focusing on wealth preservation and ethical stewardship. Whether you’re new to investing or seeking refined strategies, this collection of key articles will guide you through my enduring investment principles.

Explore timeless approaches to portfolio management, risk mitigation, and understanding financial fundamentals—crafted for those who value long-term, sustainable growth over fleeting gains.

Once you’ve immersed yourself in these foundational articles, and if you find the insights resonate with you, I recommend exploring the Reader’s Questions section of the site. These thoughtful discussions are born from personal correspondence with fellow investors and readers, offering a deeper dive into the timeless principles we value.

My Investment Philosophy

These five articles are an introduction to my strategy and the overarching philosophy that help me to define my actions in different market conditions.

Understanding Company Fundamentals

These articles are a soft introduction in how I analyse a company’s financial performance. They’re not intended as a comprehensive ‘financial analysis’ toolkit; more as an overview of the basic concepts.

Risk Management

These articles are an overview of my approach to risk management within my portfolio including how to identify, measure and manage risks.

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